April 23 2018
Hope Katz Gibbs is featured on Tyler Wagner's "Business Blast" show
It was an honor and privilege to be interviewed today by Tyler Wagner, Head Honcho @ Authorsunite.com, for his podcast show, The Business Blast.
Be sure to listen to our chat by downloading the podcast now! Scroll down for a transcript of our interview.
Tyler: What’s the best story from your life that has an underlying, valuable message?
Hope: Oh, there are so many to choose from … my dad was a bookie, I got left at the alter, when I left my husband in 2014 to move to Richmond to grow my business, I proceeded to go on 108 first dates, which is the topic of my new book, Why Divorce? The list goes on. But the theme that strings the stories of my life together is that no matter what challenge I was facing, I listened to my gut and heart and let my intuition pull me like a magnet.
Tyler: What’s the most valuable piece of information we should know that’s within your expertise/industry?*
Hope: I love telling great stories. And I honestly believe that everyone has at least one great story inside them. It’s often a matter of dragging it out and telling it well. That’s what makes me love being a journalist — and I’ve transferred my storytelling and writing skills to InkandescentPR.com and the books I write, ghostwrite, and publish for others.
Tyler: What’s your best piece of overall business advice?*
Hope: Have an intimate understanding of what you are selling. Know your business from as many angles as possible. Even if you don’t need to do every aspect of your business — and you shouldn’t because delegation is the key to success — it’s essential that you could jump in and do any job if it was necessary.
Tyler: If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Hope: I want to say that I’d love my younger self to “be kind to yourself.” Alas, I still struggle with that. I am my harshest critic — the one who gets incredibly upset when I feel like I could have / should have done a better job. It’s a conflict in my personal and professional life, and I work on letting myself off the hook. I am far more compassionate with others than I am with myself. And I really am working on it. One day at a time.
Tyler: In your opinion, what’s the key to happiness?
Hope: Being surrounded by the people you love, who love you. My son recently sent me a pair of sneakers because I bought my last pair the year he was born (in 1999), and he decided that the time had come. My daughter makes sure to make time each week to talk to me about anything and everything going on in her life — she always has. And I am still best friends with my husband, who I am separated from. It’s the love that matters most. And I try to spread it around to as many people as possible — my friends, colleagues, clients, and social media contacts. It’s contagious.
Tyler: What’s the best book you’ve read and what was the #1 thing you learned from it?
Hope: I have about 2,000 books in my library, maybe more. And every month since January 2010 I have read and promoted at book of the month on my business magazine, BeInkandescent.com. So it’s easier to tell you what I’m reading now: Anne Murrow Lindbergh’s “Gift from the Sea.” I started reading it last month when I moved to Rehoboth Beach, DE to heal my newly broken heart. That’s a story for another day. For me, though, Lindbergh’s courage and ability to heal despite the dramas she faced in her life is truly inspiring. One thing that she wrote really stuck with me: “I find there is a quality to being alone that is incredibly precious. Life rushes back into the void, richer, more vivid, fuller than before.” Sometimes we just don’t know what lies ahead, and fear it won’t be what we desire. I am holding on to her words of wisdom, sometimes by clutching this perfect book in my hands, as I try to work my way through my current situation.
Tyler: What’s your favorite quote and why?
Hope: I have actually collected quotes my whole life, and years ago started publishing an article a month filled with notables in InkandescentQuotes.com. I embrace to Lindbergh again because it rang true last week, as I was picking up shells at sunset that were singing out to me — only to realize when I got home that somewhere in the sand my cell phone had fallen from my pocket. It is likely floating out at sea. Although I replaced it with pricier fancier iPhone8, I knew there was a deeper lesson to be learned: “One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. “One can only collect a few. One moon shell is more impressive than three. There is only one moon in the sky.”
Tyler: What’s the best way for people to find you online?
Hope: You can learn all about my Inkandescent Group offerings by starting at www.InkandescentPR.com. Tabs at the top of that website will take you to:
- Our business magazine BeInkandescent.com
- Podcast network InkandescentRadio.com
- Video channel on YouTube Inkandescent.TV
- TrulyAmazingWomen.com — which is currently undergoing a refresh and this summer will be a TV show and magazine for women who are making strides and changing lives: InkandescentWomen.com.
- Also check out our speakers’ bureau for women InkandescentSpeakers.com
- My journalism website is Powered-by-Hope.com
- And last but not least, you can learn about my new book — and fill out the questionnaire if you’d like to be interviewed — at www.WhyDivorce.us.