October 1 2022

October 2022 — A note from Silvia Stenitzer: From my home in Santa Fe, NM, I welcome you to this month’s episode of the Soul Action radio show.
This month, we continue to explore the concept of Connection and Belonging because, in our modern, fast-changing, and technological world, many of us feel disconnected and struggle with a sense of belonging. In the aftermath of the shutdown through Covid, we continue to learn about the grave consequences of people having been isolated for prolonged periods of time.
We are facing psychological and developmental impacts on our children and youth. There has been an increase in the tragedy of suicides, especially of young men. Students have forgotten how to focus and study constructively and deeply. People feel lonely and overwhelmed by what is happening in the world. It’s no easy task to feel connected and has a sense of belonging together in this world.
So today, I invite you to rest your attention on your body to help you restore a sense of belonging. One way to cultivate or become aware of connection can happen through breathing. Bringing consciousness and awareness to our breathing can change the painful experience of loneliness and isolation.
Our breath symbolizes and is an act of giving and receiving. There is a constant flow of exchange: what we exhale, our environment, the trees, and the plants around us inhale, and what the trees and plants exhale, we inhale. This understanding of the flow of giving and receiving happens in our bodies, not in our logical minds.
I would like to offer you an embodied experience of belonging through our breath. This guided meditation is based on a meditation created by Camille Maurine, who wrote, together with her husband Lorin Roche, “Meditation Secrets for Women.”
Please play this podcast and join me.