January 1 2019
Before coming up with the concept for House of Steep, entrepreneur Lyndsey DePalma wanted something for herself—to relax, and just be, for a while each day. Not satisfied with any of the existing answers and armed with some entrepreneurial hard-wiring and a respect for natural healing, Lyndsey left her corporate career in human resources to bridge the gap. A firm believer in present living, this small business owner also publishes her thoughts and ideas on relaxation and a peaceful lifestyle at placidhouse.com.
Since 2010, House of Steep has been taking up residence in Lyndsey’s heart and will become the ultimate destination for busy corporate citizens, casual connections, bridal parties, street shoppers, believers in alternative healing, moms and grandmoms, yogis and yoginis, consultants, crafters, lovers, and the rest of us.
We sat down with Lynsdey in her lovely, relaxing shop and asked her:
- How did you parlay your own desire to relax into a business idea?
- How does it feel to have brought your dream to fruition?
- What has been the reaction of your customers? Is it even better than you imagined?
- What has developed that you didn’t predict?
To learn more about The House of Steep, the treasure that is tea, the power of reflexology, and the entrepreneur’s dreams for the future:
Download our podcast interview with Lyndsey DePalma, right.
Click here to read our interview with Lyndsey De Palma in BeInkandescent magazine.