Why Divorce: 5 Reasons to Leave

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January 16 2022

Why Divorce: 5 Reasons to Leave
Why Divorce: 5 Reasons to Leave
Today on the "Why Divorce" show: Meet Couples Financial Coach Adam Kol

A Note from Hope Katz Gibbs, author, “Why Divorce: 5 Reasons to Leave” — Welcome to today’s episode of the Why Divorce Show — a podcast and video show dedicated based on my book project that is on a mission to helping people understand the 5 reasons to leave a marriage, and when to stay. The published book is coming soon. In the meantime, we are collecting case studies of the 5 reasons (abuse, adultery, addiction, abandonment, and angst) and interviewing experts on topics that will help traverse the process of divorce.

We know you are going to learn a lot from today’s guest: The Couples Financial Coach, Adam Kol. He’ll talk today about the #1 mistake couples make when it comes to managing their money and the top myths around relationships and money.

Our interview questions include

  • What is the #1 mistake couples make when it comes to love and money?
  • What are some top myths around this issue?
  • Is there a better choice: joint accounts or separate accounts?
  • And the age-old challenge: My partner and I have different values and experiences with money, so what do we do about this? And, the big question of the day — what should couples do with their through the coronavirus pandemic?

About Adam: “I help couples make sure that the money conversation doesn’t get in the way, leading to more peace, love, and cash,” says the Financial Advisor who received his law degree from Duke and his MA in tax from NYU. “My mission is to bring an equity and social justice lens to my work.” Learn more: CouplesFinancialCoach.com.

Current Number of Episodes: 5

Your host: Hope Katz Gibbs, author, Why Divorce

About the Show: Abuse. Adultery. Addiction. Abandonment. Angst. Are these good enough reasons to leave a marriage — or not? Through case studies and advice from experts, we aim to investigate.

What’s your story?

Previous Episodes
Wednesday, April 10th, 2019

Going through a Divorce and Need Guidance? Meet the Women’s Realtor: Adrienne Green

A Note from Hope Katz Gibbs, author, Why Divorce — Hello, and welcome to today’s episode of the “Why Divorce” Show, where we interview experts who are here to help us through one of the most challenging transitions in our lives. Today’s guest: Realtor Adrienne Green, who specializes in helping women buy their first home. About Adrienne: This truly amazing woman started her career working in the financial investment world after graduating from the University of Southern California with a B.S. inClick here to listen to the podcast!

Why Divorce: 5 Reasons to Leave
Why Divorce: 5 Reasons to Leave
Going through a Divorce and Need Guidance? Meet the Women’s Realtor: Adrienne Green
Wednesday, April 10th, 2019

Dealing with Divorce: Attorney Rachel Virk Shows Us "The Four Ways of Divorce"

Rachel L. Virk has been in practice since 1989 litigating, negotiating, collaborating, and mediating divorce cases throughout Northern Virginia. She is Certified as a Mediator by the Virginia Supreme Court at the Circuit Court Family level, and is a trained collaborative law practitioner and author of Four Ways of Divorce. Whether sitting down to work it out, or standing up to fight it out, she provides information to help shape and control your new future, and to control the costs inClick here to listen to the podcast!

Why Divorce: 5 Reasons to Leave
Why Divorce: 5 Reasons to Leave
Dealing with Divorce: Attorney Rachel Virk Shows Us "The Four Ways of Divorce"
Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

Introduction Part 1: 108 First Dates — and one perfect lover

An Introduction to Why Divorce: 5 Reasons to Leave By Hope Katz Gibbs I love my husband. I always will. But on Thanksgiving 2005, I knew I couldn’t stay married to him. We’d wed 10 years earlier, and for the next decade, I struggled long and hard with a single burning question: Why Divorce? What happened that night is not as important as the fact that for the first time in our marriage I saw with pained eyes that weClick here to listen to the podcast!

Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

Introduction Part 2: Meeting Your Match

How could I possibly have gone on more than 100 first dates — without meeting someone that I wanted to have a relationship with? As I said in Part 1 of this podcast, on date 108, I met my match. I found his profile on April 5, 2016 and reached out to him in a short email that said, “Oh, I think we’d really like each other.” In all of my experiences, I rarely wrote first; but there was somethingClick here to listen to the podcast!